Restaurant Review - Peer Review


What restaurant does this review describe?  Where is it located?  Was this information easy to find?  If not, give the writer some suggestions for improvement. 



Does the introduction paragraph grab your attention?  How?  Does the writer need to be more descriptive to catch your attention?     



Do you have a clear image of what the restaurant is like (who goes to the restaurant, the atmosphere, service, price, etc.)?  Does the writer need more details in order to describe the restaurant?  Be specific; what would you like to know more about?  Can you think of words or phrases that might be more descriptive?   



Do you have a clear image of what kind of food the restaurant serves and whether or not the food is good or bad?  Does the writer need more details in order to describe the food? 



Is there anything the writer could be more clear about?  Be specific; make specific suggestions.



Do you have any more comments to help the writer with their review?