
Best school lunch: Vlogs and Youtube Channels

Page history last edited by Adolfo Carrillo Cabello 6 years, 7 months ago

A. Only in Japan

In this activity, you will watch a video from a youtube channel called Only in Japan. In the video, you will learn about typical foods served for school lunch. As you watch the video, jot down ideas of the themes that you could draw upon for your own lessons. For example, you can focus on the theme of accessibility to food, social equality, nutrition, etc. 

After you watch the video, browse the youtube channel of Only in Japan, and identify a video that contains a topic you are very likely to use in your teaching. Use the google form below to: 1) Write about the themes you identified in the video that you watched, and 2) The video you found that you could use in your lessons. Since the videos focus on Japan, consider the themes being portrayed, rather than the context (i.e., Japan) of the video. In other words, hypothesize how the themes you identify would transfer to the language and context you teach. 


1. Watch the video on Best School Lunch



2. Select a video from the Only in Japan channel




3. Complete the Google form below





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